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The Country Collective is a competitive line dance team that focuses on jazz and precision technique, while Dancing to Country music! They will also incorporate ballroom dance styles like swing, cha cha, and the waltz.

This team is invite only.



Created by Nikki McCall and joined by Sydney Klippenstein, these two have created a competitive line dance performance team that will perform around Regina and Saskatchewan and share the love of country dance with everyone.


This team also travels to Alberta in April to attend the Calgary Dance Stampede where they perform and compete. Nikki coaches anyone interested in furthering their involvement in country solo and partner dance.


The Country Collective includes training, performances, discounts, line dance classes, and more!


Registration for the team will be done in semesters (fall, winter, and spring), however it is recommended to do the full year if you plan on being a part of the travel group that heads to the Calgary Dance Stampede every spring!

Cost for the Country Collective is $285 for the Fall 2024 semester, which includes 13 sessions, performance opportunities, a monthly line dance class, and Country Collective merchandise.


Dancers in the Country Collective also receive 15% off all Class Passes and Sessions while they are a member of the team.

  • September - December semester. Invite Only.

    Started Sep 12

    285 Canadian dollars
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